Les Arbres Pleurent-Ils Aussi?
- spectacle
Do the trees also cry ?
By seeking to discover whether the body is able to feel and to experience sensorial proximity with the surrounding natural world, this new creation invites the spectator to reintegrate his or her own sensations.This work addresses our relationship to the other forms of existence surrounding us in today's highly connected world. But how does one describe our link to living matter on stage? This is the challenge which this creation faces. With her dancers, Fabienne Berger aims to develop a 'naturalistic' movement which evolves to encounter new, hybrid and surprising abstractions. As a genuine laboratory of supernatural poetry, this project will marry dance, music, video and lighting in one single breath, creating a hypnotic universe, constantly gliding between science and magic.
Length: approx. 60 minutes
Concept and choreography: Fabienne Berger
Assistant: Caroline De Cornière
Dance: Caroline De Cornière, Marie-Elodie Vattoux, Margaux Monetti, Fabienne Berger
Scenography, lighting, video and production: Sven Kreter
Scenographic collaboration: Nele von Stürler
Music, sound: Malena Sardi
Costumes: Jérôme Berbier
Stage manager assistant: Giuseppe Greco
Rehersal assistant: Nicolas Dafflon
Production coordinator: Xavier Munger
Dramaturgy collaboration: Anna Hohler
Stage photography: Mario Del Curto
Video of the production: Bastien Genoux
Administration, communication, distribution: Sandra Sabino
Espace Nuithonie, Villars-sur-Glâne
April 24th, 25th, 30th & May 1st, 2nd, 2015
Espace D, Renens
May 7th & 8th, 2015
New space for dance activities
opening on next May 2015
supported by Etat de Fribourg, Etat de Vaud, Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Migros Vaud, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fondation Stanley Thomas Johnson, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes SIS